Rights and responsibilities

If you’re a tenant, your rights will be outlined in your tenant agreement. You’ll also have a number of responsibilities that you must follow. 

You must:

  • keep your home clean
  • pay for the repair of any damages that you, or a visitor, cause to the property
  • report all repair needed to your home
  • keep your garden neat by cutting the grass, clearing weeds and trimming hedges
  • get our written permission to keep large items such as trailers in your garden
  • get our permission to keep pets
  • not store any bulky items in your garden.

How to report council tenant anti-social behaviour.

Keeping pets                         

You need our permission to keep pets. The number and type of pets you’re allowed depends on your property and the likelihood of them being a danger or nuisance to neighbours or visitors.

To apply for permission, you’ll need:

  • the type of pet (breed and colour)
  • the number of pets.

Apply for permission to keep pets

Read our pets policy guide.

Home insurance

We’ll insure the structure of your home but not your belongings, fittings or alterations you’ve made to the property. We recommend all council tenants get home contents insurance to protect against incidents such as accidental damage, theft and water leaks.

Find out more about home insurance.