Staying put

You may be able to stay living with your foster carers after you turn 18. This is called 'staying put'.

If everyone agrees and it's the right option for you, you can stay there until you are 21. This will be paid for by Medway Council, and you will also pay a contribution each week.

This means that you'll be renting a room from the foster carer, and you'll be expected to pay towards your keep. Your independent reviewing officer (IRO), social worker, personal adviser (PA) and fostering social worker will support you in this process.

Independent skills

They will also support you to develop your independent living skills further.

You'll continue to get the extra care and support you may need before moving into independent living. 

Staying put can be a nice way of staying part of the family and making sure you are confident in taking your next step towards independence. 

Other housing options

Your IRO and social worker will discuss the staying put option with you during your child in care reviews before you turn 18. 

If you or your foster carer decide not to choose staying put as an option, your social worker will support you to look at other housing options. 

They will look at the Joint Housing Protocol and will discuss private rental options or social housing with you and your PA.

Your responsibilities 

If you choose the staying put option, you'll be expected to pay towards the cost of food, household items and utilities.

If applicable, you can use your Universal Credit payments for this. Your Housing Benefit will be paid directly to your host.

Depending on your circumstances you'll be able to claim Universal Credit when you turn 18. Your social worker will help you with this 6 weeks before your 18th birthday. 

Reviewing the arrangement

The staying put arrangement should be reviewed in line with the review of your pathway plan, or as needed if any issues arise.

The pathway plan will make sure:

  • your targets are met
  • you are gaining independent living skills.

It will review what is working well and any problems you may have. 

More about your pathway plan.