Supported lodgings

Supported lodgings allow you to live with a family in their home. 

The scheme aims to give vulnerable young people aged 16 to 25 a safe and secure place to live as they prepare for independent living. 

You'll get family-based support to gain confidence and skills to help you live independently. 

While living with the host you'll be classed as a lodger.

The type of support you'll get includes: 

  • budget, shop for, and cook low cost and healthy meals
  • managing your money
  • developing a positive self-image by encouraging a high standard of personal hygiene and self-presentation
  • gaining practical skills, such as cooking, laundry and developing a daily routine
  • advice and support to get education, employment or training
  • information and support from other agencies, for example, Citizens Advice Bureau and benefits agency
  • establishing an appropriate and consistent relationship with you including non-intrusive emotional or practical help and advice
  • working and communicating with all professionals involved with you
  • attending meetings such as Looked After Children review meetings (for young people aged 16 and 17) or pathway planning meetings (for young people aged 18 and up) either at home or within the community.

This will be funded by Medway Council, but you will be expected to claim benefits and make contributions, as with a staying put arrangement.

More about supported lodgings